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Youth Groups

Safe spaces for LGBT+ young people to meet in a comfortable & confidential setting & access support.

A banner photo with a background image of 5 young people, arm in arm, smiling and laughing, looking into the camera and standing in front of a white brick wall. In a superimposed green box on the right hand side of them reads a quote from an LGBT young person at Allsorts: "I think this is a group  made for young people, by young people. You can be yourself and express yourself here!"

About Our Youth Groups

Our youth groups are fun and supportive spaces for Sussex-based children and young people to make friends, connect with the LGBT+ community, explore identity and participate in workshops and activities. You will meet in a comfortable & confidential setting with other LGBT+ young people where you can get involved in workshops and activities that matter to and will build your skills, resilience and confidence. We will also connect you with other professionals and organisations as and where appropriate.

At our youth groups you can expect to get involved in fun, creative and interesting activities, participate in group games and have the opportunity to go on trips and residentials! We have guests visiting our youth groups from other organisations & services which you may find helpful and interesting, and of course we have free food and drink!

All Allsorts staff and volunteers are LGBT+ and are trained to work with young people.  There are usually between 2-4 members of staff as well as volunteers who help us to run our groups.

We plan activities and workshops (either delivered by Allsorts staff or visitors) with you in mind. On occasion, we will cover topics including sexual health, hate crime, mental health, relationships and identity. We encourage all young people to give it a go as we pride ourselves on creating a safe and supportive environment to talk about challenging topics.  We know it is important to provide spaces for open and honest discussions, to learn together and to feel safe and comfortable to challenge each other. We won't shy away from tricky conversations and we will support you through these discussions, topics and themes.

Please note, you will not be able to access Allsorts without having made a referral and having had an introductory meeting with one of our Youth Support Workers (what to expect at a meeting). We look forward to meeting you!

*If you require support completing the referral form, please contact

When & Where?


  • Fortnightly LGBT+ Groups (ages 16-21 + 11-15)
  • Monthly Trans, Non-Binary & Gender-Exploring Group (ages 16-21)
  • Monthly Kids Group (ages 5-11)
  • LGBT+ YPoC Activities (ages 16-21)

Horsham, Chichester, Worthing, Crawley & Eastbourne

  • Monthly LGBT+ Group (ages 11-15)
  • Monthly LGBT+ Group (ages 16-21)
    Make a Referral
    Allsorts Youth Project Ltd © is registered charity in England & Wales and regulated by the Charity Commission under number 1123014 and a Company Limited by Guarantee under number 04154118. Registered office address: 69 Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1AE.