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Supporting trans youth & families to connect & grow

Evolve logo: a cartoon rainbow in the colours of the trans pride flag. Large writing reads 'Evolve'. Smaller writing underneath reads "supporting trans youth & families to connect & grow"

Evolve is a 4-week programme provided by Allsorts Youth Project available to young people and parents/carers of young people who are:

  • Trans
  • Ages 11 - 16 (year 7+)
  • Connected to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), either on the waiting list or currently being supported by the service

The Evolve 4-week programme has been developed to help and support young people and families to;

  • Provide access to fun and interesting opportunities and activities
  • Increase resilience, confidence and self-esteem
  • Develop positive family relationships
  • Build a wider community and support network
  • Develop life skills

“It feels important to have a space specifically for young people involved in a medical pathway because you don’t have to explain anything about how you feel” - Allsorts Young Person, aged 17

About the Four Week Programme

This programme is designed to support trans young people and their parents/carers to build stronger relationships by participating in activities and workshops which will build confidence, resilience and communication skills. The tailored programme will be interactive, fun and provide you with a safe space to connect.

There is space for six families on the programme. We will let you know several weeks before the programme starts if you have got a place.

Key information:

  • The programme is free
  • Refreshments will be provided throughout the programme
  • You and your child will need to commit to all four sessions to get the most out of the programme
  • If you have any concerns about travel costs, please let us know
  • The sessions will be facilitated by experienced workers
  • Some of the workshops and activities throughout the programme will be specific to parents/carer or children/young people so will be facilitated at the same time but in separate groups
  • If you are a two parent/carer family, we encourage both of you to attend if possible

When is the Evolve 4 week programme taking place?

The next cohort will be run for families who are home educating or who are not at full-time mainstream school. The programme will be provided in a venue in East Sussex between June-July 2024. Weekly sessions will be held during the daytime on weekdays. Full details will be confirmed on signing up to Evolve.

How can I sign up?

Please fill out this sign-up form and a member of our team will be in touch with you to confirm your place.

If your child would like to access Allsorts' groups or 121 support, they can by filling in our children & young people's referral form.

For parents/carers wishing to access our Parents & Carers Service, you can register here.

Allsorts Youth Project Ltd © is registered charity in England & Wales and regulated by the Charity Commission under number 1123014 and a Company Limited by Guarantee under number 04154118. Registered office address: 69 Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1AE.